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15995147496 | 2022-05-31 17:58:43    阅读:128   发布文章

High Efficiency: Up to 96%
5A Output Current
4V to 20V VIN Range
Integrated Power N-Channel MOSFETs
(70mΩ Top and 35mΩ Bottom)
Adjustable Frequency 800kHz to 4MHz
PolyPhase®Operation (Up to 12 Phases)
Output Tracking
0.6V ±1% Reference Accuracy
Current Mode Operation for Excellent Line and Load
Transient Response
Shutdown Mode Draws Less Than 15µA Supply Current
ZCC3605: 15V Absolute Maximum VIN
ZCC3605A: 22V Absolute Maximum VIN
The ZCC3605A Is Pin Compatible with the
Available in 24-Pin (4mm  4mm) QFN Package
The ZCC3605A is a high efficiency, monolithic
synchro- nous buck regulator using a phase lockable
controlled on-time constant frequency, current mode
architecture. PolyPhase operation allows multiple
ZCC3605A regula- torsto run out of phase while using
minimal input and output capacitance. The operating
supply voltage range is from 20V down to 4V, making it
suitable for dual, triple or quadruple lithium-ion
battery inputs as well as point of load power supply
applicationsfrom a 12V or 5V rail.
The operating frequency is programmable from 800kHz to
4MHzwithanexternalresistor.Thehighfrequency capa-
switching noise sensitive applications, it can be externally
synchronized from 800kHz to 4MHz. The PHMODE pin
allows user control ofthe phase ofthe outgoing clock
signal. The unique constant frequency/controlled on-time
that are operating at high frequency while demanding
fast transient response. Two internal phase-lock loops
synchronize the internal oscillator to the externalclock
and also servosthe regulator on-time to lockon toeither
theinternalclockortheexternal clock ifit’spresent.

